Appeals Policy and Content Management Policy

All web pages, web blogs and web content that are a part of shall be housed within the ElevatedX management system (CMS), and shall use web design templates and stylesheets approved by the
No access shall be given to outside parties for any reason without the written permission from the Owner of
No Screen shots or screen captures or recordings on the CMS will be given without permission.

All models preforming for or wishing to preform for any and all of the websites must meet or exceed the following criteria.
1. Be over the age of 19.
2. Have valid government issued photo ID. Passport is preferred.
3. Have a valid email address.
4. Have a valid phone number either cell or landline.
5. Have a utility bill under their name to prove their address.

All potential models will sign 2257 documents. All Models will sign model release forms. Models with single girl sites will sign Model contract.

Model dispute. Any and all contact from a person claiming to be a model will be handled on a case by case basis.
The complainant will be requested to:
1. Provide the name of the content set and site name they claim to appear in.
2. Provide proof of ID. Must be valid government issued ID and preferably the same as used for the model contract.
3. Provide their copy of the model contract.
4. Or provide their copy of the model release.
5. Write out the specifics of the complaint.

Upon receipt of any part # 1 through # 5 of a complaint regarding content, the content will be removed from the website(s) and be held until the complaint is investigated. Should the model be attempting to dispute more than 1 set it will be dealt with on a case by case basis to ensure that it is not a case of model remorse.
All complaints will be sent to in writing with as much detail as can be obtained.
Time frame
No model dispute will take longer than 48 business hours to investigate and while the investigation is underway the content will not be republished.
Note: Business hours do not include legal holidays.

Any person depicted in the content can appeal to have such content removed by emailing
If the outcome of our investigation determines that no consent was given by the model or such consent is void under applicable law, the disputed content will be removed.

Should there be a disagreement regarding an appeal, we allow such disagreement to be resolved by a neutral body so any potential statements contradicting this will need to be reworded or removed.

Any person not content with the outcome of our investigation can send their appeal with the subject "APPEAL" to the email address

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